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Minister Donnelly launches National Patient Safety Incidents Survey

The Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly TD today launched the National Patient Safety Incidents Survey. 

The survey, which is being co-ordinated by the Department of Health, is the first part of a research process commissioned by the Independent Patient Safety Council to gather information on culture and values regarding the management of patient safety incidents in our health and social care services. Patients, service users, family, advocacy providers, healthcare staff and members of the public are invited to take part in the survey to share their views and experiences.       

Minister Donnelly said: “I welcome this opportunity to hear directly from people on their views and experiences of engaging with our health and social care services on patient safety incidents. This survey will assist the Department of Health in ensuring the legislation governing the management of patient safety incidents is modernised and up to date.  

“This survey is welcome progress as we work to develop, foster and embed a culture of open, honest and transparent communication across the health service, in particular for patients, service users and their families.”  


Details on how to take part in the survey can be found here.  


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Notes to Editor   


The Independent Patient Safety Council appointed in 2019, is an independent council appointed by the Minister to provide advice and guidance on the development of patient safety policy. The Council has commissioned Crowe to carry out research of which the results of this survey will support national policy development on patient safety incidents.    

Those who wish to take part in a one-to-one phone interview about their views and experiences of patient safety incidents are invited to fill out their contact details here. After a person registers, they may be contacted by a member of Crowe Research Team to take part in a phone interview which will take up to 20 minutes.  


The research data will remain confidential at all times. Data collection is conducted in full compliance with the GDPR and the 2018 Data Protection Act; it will not be possible to identify any individual or household from the published aggregate information, research data or anonymised dataset.